Favorite moodlets from the game

The sims 3 is the first game in the sereis to introduce moodlets which affect the sims mood (as the name suggests lol). The Sims Medieval version of moodlets are called buff the affect the sims focus instead... though they're real similar. TS3 moodlets tend to be a bit terryfing but that's what i love about them, those buldging eyes never fail to make me smile. And let's not forget the references to early 2010's culture LOL. Some of them are weird/funny but some are just plain sweet :) I <3 TS3 moodlets | MOODLET JUNKIE
You can see more info about them on The Sims wiki. that's also where i got all the images from LOL.

WARNING: This page is not finished, I'm still working on formating it lol

Madly thirsty Calm down now...
Drank from a fairy Not cool bro
Snug as a bug :)
Pwned by the bull ???
Failed to groove Relatable
Misunderstood same
Feeling good about me the notes for this moodlet on the wiki are "From getting psychiatric help" huh??
Great date Did the creators know what they were doing when they decided to put these eyes on everyhing
Bad date
Fifth gear what the fuck is going on
Everyday I'm Rustlin' from borrowing a horse and not giving it back
Chick magnet hehe, get it
Chicken blocked hehe, get it
Versus Plants
There and back again
Too scary aaaaaaaa
It's just so tragic

All of the snow cone ones...
Creepy graveyard
Can I haz :3 Can I :3
Loved :)
Purrfectly manicured
Whacked out
New kittens
Mmm apples
Mmm carrots
Where is my foal/mommy (terrifying)
Duck time
Feeling Purple All the other Spectrum Mood Lamp moodlets are fine but this one looks like a weird baby