How to customize your cursor

If you wanna change your cursor to one that's not boring you can use Mousecape.

  1. Download it and open it.
    Click 'edit' and then 'new cape'.

  2. Right click on it and select 'edit'. Here you can edit the name of your cursor and some other things.
    To add another sprite to your cursor you have to click the little plus symbol in the lower left. It's automatically set to unknown.

  3. Change 'Unknown' in Type to 'Arrow'. That's the default sprite of your pointer.

    Now drag the file of your cursor (.PNG or .CUR are best) to the square labeled 'x1'.

  4. Now click Cmnd+S and close the window.

    To apply the cursor double click on it or right click and select 'apply'.

And your done with the most basic cursor!
If you want to be more thourough with your cursor (which I do lol) you can add more sprites of different types. However - type names in this tool can be quite confusing and might not match up with what you find on the web.
If you want to learn which sprites are which go to 'Capes' and select 'Dump Capes...'. This creates a new cursor in the Mousecape directory that easily tells you what the names of each of these sprites are.
If you want to go the easy way you can also import capes. Here you can download mine that I made out of this cursor

Cursor websites:

  1. rw-designer - here you can find whole cursor sets!
  2. cursors-4u
  3. totally free cursors